Copyright holders

The rights to the texts are the property of their authors and copyright holders. All lyrics, albums, chords and sheet music on this website are provided for informational purposes only. Photos and materials are posted here for informational purposes, aimed at popularizing the performers. It is important to note that most of the information presented on our site is taken from freely available sources on the Internet. Please note that we do not have the ability to download any information on our site.

The MuzFlow site is ready for fruitful cooperation with performers and rights holders. If you are a copyright owner or its representative and believe that the MuzFlow website infringes your rights, please email us at

In the letter, indicate the link to the page with the material.
Documents confirming the rights to this material.

Within seven days, we analyze your complaint and take the necessary measures to solve the problem. The results of our actions will be communicated to you in the reply to your letter. You will receive a notification regarding the measures taken in relation to the detected violation of exclusive rights. Consideration of your complaint is carried out within a specified period, which does not exceed seven working days.

For any other questions, please contact

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