Top 10 facts about rapper Morgenshtern

10 interesting facts about rapper Morgenshtern

1. Alisher recorded his first track at the age of 12, and reached YouTube in 2013 with his #EasyRep section, which brought him popularity. His channel has been recognized as one of the fastest growing channels on YouTube.

2. At the age of 16, the guy began to abuse alcohol, he often went on binges, hung out at registrations and simply lived without thinking about the future. But it was his love for rap that pulled him out of this period of his life.

3. After school, the artist entered the university to become a teacher. But he was careless about his studies, often skipping classes, and then he was completely kicked out for seducing a minor. The fact is that during practice at school, Alisher filmed a vlog in which he invited a schoolgirl to sleep in the toilet. The rector saw the video and decided to expel him. But, as Alisher himself said, it was his 18-year-old friend, about whom he was simply joking.

4. When Alisher was expelled, he went to work as a courier, and later as a car washer. The rapper did not stay long in both jobs. The only job that brought him pleasure was playing the guitar in street crossings.

5. At the beginning of his career, Morgenstern hated rap and the whole new school of rap. He preferred rock and even created his own group called “My Mother is a Virgin” in 2016. The guys shot amateur videos, imbued with humor and irony.

6. Alisher hyped up conflicts with Khovansky and Kizaru. He recorded a diss track against Khovansky and invited him to a rap battle, which never took place. And the blogger recorded a video on Kizaru in his #EasyRep section, and then even shot an entire documentary film in which he criticizes the rapper’s work.

7. Morgenstern openly dislikes modern rappers, not appreciating their work. But he admitted that the only ones who deserve respect in the rap industry are Scriptonite and LSP.

8. Morgenstern tattooed “666” on his forehead so that he would never be hired for a regular job.

9. Like many creative personalities, Alisher was depressed when he wanted to leave YouTube and devote himself to something else. But, after a couple of days, the guy realized that he had done something stupid, apologized to the audience and returned to YouTube.

10. The rapper is silent about his personal life; in his videos and Instagram you can see a lot of beautiful girls, but he doesn’t talk about anything serious.

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Article 10 interesting facts about rapper Morgenshtern, information about 10 interesting facts about rapper Morgenshtern.