Scrim - ​marlboro country

(You did good, $lick) Oh
(It's a smash) Yeah
Oh, yeah

[Verse 1]
Yeah, I'm on a whole 'nother vibe
I'm on a whole 'nother high
I've accepted what it is
Fuck it, I'm ready to die
They on a whole 'nother side
No, they ain't in my gang
Can we do somethin' real for once?
Please, just call me my name
Sick and tired of the fame
Sick and tired of the stage
Sick and tired of the shame
Sick and tired of the blame
I got my own fuck-ups
It's generational shit
These marks on me, they permanent
There's no erasing this shit
Got no faith in a bitch
For that, I might blame my mom
I got sweat in my palms
Hope these meds make me calm
Ain't too much that I'm sold on
Can barely see, I'm so gone
Please love me despite me
Baby, just keep
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